
Showing posts from November, 2019


November Volunteer Hours: 7 Total Volunteer Hours: 23              This was my last month in my current sublease in Mid-City, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I had some friends visit throughout the month, and I got to explore New Orleans even further. The CV and Renal/Pulmonary units were dense with learning material, but I feel like I now have my study schedule in order and am able to prepare for exams efficiently. Thanksgiving break came as a much-needed blessing, and I enjoyed the week and its good weather.               As our weekly tasks at KIPP became more focused on structural and manual assignments (passing out materials, hanging up flyers, organizing closets), my fellow classmates and I realized we wanted to engage with students more. This lead us to Anna’s Place, which is an after-school organization at a local church for students from the Seventh Ward/Treme neighbo...